Bursa Announcements

Important Relevant Dates For Renounceable Rights

BackJul 25, 2017
Title/Description Renounceable rights issue of up to 51,589,369 new ordinary shares in ELK-Desa Resources Berhad ("ELK-Desa") ("ELK-Desa Share(s)") ("Rights Share(s)") at an issue price of RM1.16 per Rights Share on the basis of one (1) Rights Share for every five (5) existing ELK-Desa Shares held as at 5.00 p.m. on 8 August 2017 ("Rights Issue")
Despatch date 10 Aug 2017
Date for commencement of trading of rights 09 Aug 2017
Date for cessation of trading of rights 16 Aug 2017
Date for announcement of final subscription result and basis of allotment of excess Rights Securities 30 Aug 2017
Listing Date of the Rights Securities 08 Sep 2017


Last date and time for Date Time
Sale of provisional allotment of rights 15 Aug 2017
05:00:00 PM
Transfer of provisional allotment of rights 18 Aug 2017
04:00:00 PM
Acceptance and payment 23 Aug 2017
05:00:00 PM
Excess share application and payment 23 Aug 2017
05:00:00 PM


Rights Securities will be listed and quoted as the existing securities of the same class Yes
Other important dates as the listed issuer may deem appropriate

Remarks :

The last date and time for acceptance and payment as well as the last date and time for excess application and payment may be extended as the Board of Directors of the Company may determine and announce less than two (2) market days before the stipulated date and time.


Announcement Info

Stock Name ELKDESA
Date Announced 25 Jul 2017
Category Important Relevant Dates for Renounceable Rights
Reference Number TOR-21072017-00001